What is a microaggression?

A microaggression is an offensive comment or conduct that is directed at someone because of their membership in a marginalized group.  The behavior is rooted in stereotypes. A person is being targeted because of their age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, disability or other marginalized groups. Oftentimes, people make an offensive comment and do not even realize how the comment impacted the other person.

What topics does your training cover?

In my training, I provide historical context and it helps participants to understand why certain phrases are offensive. My hope is that participants will internalize the history and be thoughtful about their behavior going forward. I also provide tips for how to navigate conversations when an offensive comment has been made. Education can be a form of protest.  One of the ways I protest systemic racism, discrimination, and intolerance is to educate anyone who is willing to learn.  

Who has benefited from this training?

HR professionals, judges, counsel, managers, individual contributors, retailers, legal teams, engineering teams, professional organizations, non-profits, universities/institutes of higher learning, communication and media teams have all benefited from this training. Any organization (small or large) interested in educating their staff about respect in the workplace, would benefit from this training. Marginalized employees also benefit from hearing their point of view shared with others in the workplace. I can say the things that maybe they do not feel empowered to express. Some of my clients are listed at the bottom this page.

Why does it matter?

After years of hearing employees share their concerns about microaggressions in the workplace, I wanted to find a way to move the conversation forward. Decreasing microaggressions in the workplace is another piece to the puzzle of creating a truly inclusive workplace.

How can I request training or expert witness services for my workplace or client?

Please complete the contact section of this website and someone will be in touch to discuss details. I am currently conducting virtual and in-person trainings.